St Gab's PTA online shop
Welcome to St Gabriel's PTA
Online Shop
Uniform, equipment and accessories, new and second hand

The second hand uniform sales are the biggest source of income for PTA and can only take place thanks top donations.
The shop will accept gapped condition clean items of St Gabriel's uniform and sports equipment
New items in stock
Second hand uniform, availability is confirmed after the items are reserved by placing the order
About Us
PTA Second hand shop is run by a group of volunteer parents. We do our best to process the orders quickly and answer the requests.

Open every Tuesday 3-5pm
Your request
Please fill in the form with your details with the list of the items you require and we will get back to you
Be the first to know our news!
Once a month you will learn about our latest donations and new additions as well as the events run by PTA
phone number
[email protected]
Sandleford Priory, Newtown, Newbury
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